eCl@ss - README_en.txt #################################################################################### eCl@ss release 5.1 incl. ServicePacks 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3 and 5.1.4 - English Format: CSV, Data records by semicolon separated (first line = Field headings) Codepage: UTF-8 #################################################################################### NONWARRANTY AND CONDITIONS OF USE No liability whatsoever will be accepted for the eCl@ss standard, its numbering system, keywords or property lists. This particularly applies to the use and any damage that may result from this. The classification in no way claims to be complete, particularly as it is subject to a continuous updating process due to the industry’s innovation processes. eCl@ss is being published on the eCl@ss DownloadPortal. The use of eCl@ss is only permitted in acceptance of the eCl@ss Terms of Use. These can be found at #################################################################################### General information about eCl@ss Using a „common language“, which is understandable for both man and machine, is mandatory for a successful electronic and automated communication. With eCl@ss, there is this common language available: a world-wide and cross- industry standard for classification and unambiguous description of products and services, which is conform to international and national standards. By using eCl@ss within the entire supply chain – from development to disposal - you can optimize internal business processes as well as cooperate with business partners in a more efficient way. eCl@ss is developed by the association eCl@ss e.V., a non-profit organization, which is supported by ordinary and sponsoring members from companies, associations and institutions. Their common goal is to enhance eCl@ss in accordance with current and future market requirements as well as to promote its international use. Members of the eCl@ss association come from international companies from different industries (e.g. automotive, chemical and electrical engineering, utilities, service and trade). You can find up-to-date information on #################################################################################### FILES The ZIP file contains the files necessary for the structure of class. eClass5_1_4_en.csv = Class Table eClass5_1_4_sw_en.csv = Keyword Table eClass5_1_4_ml_en.csv = Relation Table eClass5_1_4_en/eClass5_1_4_mm_en eClass5_1_4_mm_en.csv = Property Table eClass5_1_4_mm_we_en.csv = Relation Table eClass5_1_4_mm_en/eClass5_1_4_we_en eClass5_1_4_we_en.csv = Value Table #################################################################################### CLASS STRUCTURE: eClass5_1_4_en.csv (Class Table) 1. idcl = Primary key (Identifier + Version Number) -> CHAR(9) 2. identifier = Identifier -> CHAR(6) 3. version number = class version number -> CHAR(3) 4. publication date = Publication date of version -> CHAR(10) 5. revision number = Revision number -> CHAR(2) 6. coded name = eCl@ss number -> CHAR(8) 7. preferred name = Preferred name -> CHAR(80) 8. definition = Definition of class -> CHAR(1023) 9. iso language code = ISO-language code -> CHAR(2) 10. iso country code = ISO-country code -> CHAR(2) 11. note = note on definition -> CHAR(1023) 12. remark = remark for usage -> CHAR(1023) 13. level = Hierarchical level -> CHAR(1) 14. mksubclass = Flag subgroup 0=no/1=yes -> CHAR(1) 15. mksynonym = Flag key words s=yes -> CHAR(2) 16. mkbsa = Flag standard set of properties* -> CHAR(1) 17. modification = Add-on/Modification -> CHAR(17) * eCl@ss differentiates between standard and basic sets of properties. Standard set of properties are individual developed for specific classes. Basic sets of properties basically consists of the following properties: BAA271001 "EAN code" BAA001001 "Manufacturer's name" BAA059001 "Article number" BAA316001 "Product name" BAA002001 "Product type description" The entries in the field "mkbsa" have the following meaning: No entry = Basic set of properties (BSA) 2 = Standard set of properties (SSA) #################################################################################### eClass5_1_4_sw_en.csv (Keyword Table) 1. identifier = Identifier of keyword -> CHAR(6) 2. idcl = Primary key of class (relation) -> CHAR(9) 3. class coded name = eCl@ss number -> CHAR(8) 4. key word value = Preferred name of keyword -> CHAR(80) 5. explanation = description of keyword -> CHAR(255) 6. iso language code = ISO-language code -> CHAR(2) 7. iso country code = ISO-country code -> CHAR(2) 8. level = Hierarchical level -> CHAR(1) 9. modification = Add-on/Modification -> CHAR(17) #################################################################################### eClass5_1_4_ml_en.csv (Relation table Classes/Properties) 1. idcl = Primary key of class (Relation) -> CHAR(9) 2. class coded name = eCl@ss-Number -> CHAR(8) 3. idatt = Primary key of property (Relation) -> CHAR(9) 4. modification = Add-on/Modification -> CHAR(17) #################################################################################### eClass5_1_4_mm_en.csv (Property Table) 1. idatt = Primary key (Identifier + Version Number) -> CHAR(9) 2. identifier = Identifier -> CHAR(6) 3. version number = property version number -> CHAR(3) 4. publication date = Publication date of version -> CHAR(10) 5. revision number = Revision number -> CHAR(2) 6. preferred name = Preferred name -> CHAR(80) 7. short name = Short name -> CHAR(17) 8. definition = Definition -> CHAR(1023) 9. note = note on definition -> CHAR(1023) 10. remark = remark for usage -> CHAR(1023) 11. alias name 1 = Alias name 1 -> CHAR(80) 12. alias name 2 = Alias name 2 -> CHAR(80) 13. formular symbol = Preferred formular symbol -> CHAR(17) 14. format = Number of characters + Field type -> CHAR(17) 15. unit of measure = Unit of the appropriate value -> CHAR(32) 16. unit of measure code = UN/CEFACT coded of the Unit of measure -> CHAR(3) 17. iso language code = ISO-language code -> CHAR(2) 18. iso country code = ISO-country code -> CHAR(2) 19. category = IEC 61360 categorie of property-> CHAR(3) 20. attribute type = Set of values mark* -> CHAR(8) 21. valency = Multivalent mark** -> CHAR(11) 22. reference = Reference of definition -> CHAR(1023) 23. definition class = ICS-class -> CHAR(255) 24. modification = Add-on/Modification -> CHAR(17) * direct = free entry indirect = set of values is present ** univalent = precisely one value is attributed multivalent = one or more values can be attributed #################################################################################### eClass5_1_4_mm_we_en.csv (Relation table Properties/Values) 1. idatt = Primary key of property (Relation) -> CHAR(9) 2. idvl = Primary key of value (Relation) -> CHAR(9) 3. modification = Add-on/Modification -> CHAR(17) #################################################################################### eClass5_1_4_we_en.csv (Value Table) 1. idvl = Primary key (Identifier + version number) -> CHAR(9) 2. identifier = Identifier -> CHAR(6) 3. version number = Value version number -> CHAR(3) 4. revision number = Revision number -> CHAR(2) 5. publication date = Publication date of version -> CHAR(10) 6. preferred name = Preferred name -> CHAR(80) 7. coded name = Coded name of preferred name -> CHAR(17) 8. definition = Definition of value -> CHAR(1023) 9. reference = Reference of definition -> CHAR(1023) 10. iso language code = ISO-language code -> CHAR(2) 11. iso country code = ISO-country code -> CHAR(2) 12. modification = Add-on/Modification -> CHAR(17) #################################################################################### I---idcl I identifier I version number I publication date I revision number I coded name I preferred name I definition I iso language code I iso country code I note I remark I level I mksubclass I mksynonym I mkbsa I modification I I I I identifier I---idcl I class coded name I key word value I explanation I iso language code I iso country code I level I modification I I I I---idcl class coded name idatt--------I modification I I I I I-idatt----------------I identifier I version number I publication date I revision number I preferred name I short name I definition I note I remark I alias name 1 I alias name 2 I formular symbol I format I unit of measure I unit of measure code I iso language code I iso country code I category I attribute type I valency I reference I definition class I modification I I I I I-idatt idvl---------I modification I I I I I---idvl identifier version number revision number publication date preferred name coded name definition reference iso language code iso country code modification ####################################################################################