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Klassifikation: 39020238 [AAH211021]

Bevorzugte Benennung 39-02-02-38 1-Eicosanol
Schlagwörter Dimethylpropyl carbinol Ethylisopropyl carbinol Methylisobutyl carbinol sec-Butylmethyl carbinol Diethylmethyl carbinol Methylpentyl carbinol Butylethyl carbinol Caprylic alcohol Octyl alcohol Methylhexyl carbinol Methylheptyl carbinol Methyloctyl carbinol Propylhexyl carbinol Methyltetradecyl carbinol Docosyl alcohol Tetradecyl alcohol Cetyl alcohol Isostearyl alcohol Arachic alcohol Arachidyl alcohol Heptyl alcohol Dodecyl alcohol Butyl alcohol Stearyl alcohol Lauryl alcohol Myristyl alcohol Nonyl alcohol Hexyl alcohol Hexadecyl alcohol sec-Butanol Palmityl alcohol Pentyl alcohol Isoamylalcohol Isocetyl alcohol Amylalcohol Decyl alcohol Behenyl alcohol EINECS/EILINCS/NLP 211-119-4 Eicosanol CAS 629-96-9 IUCLID HPVC773 1-Butanol 1-Decanol 1-Dodecanol 1-Hexanol 1-Nonanol 1-Tetradecanol 2-Decanol 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol 2-Heptanol 2-Hexadecanol 2-Methyl-1-pentanol 2-Methyl-2-pentanol 2-Methyl-3-pentanol 2-Methyl-4-pentanol 2-Nonanol 2-Octanol 2-Octyl-1-dodecanol 3-Heptanol 3-Methyl-1-pentanol 3-Methyl-2-pentanol 3-Methyl-3-pentanol 4-Decanol 4-Methyl-1-pentanol Guerbet-16 Guerbet-20 Isobutanol Isodecanol Isohexadecanol Isooctadecanol Isooctanol Isopentanol Isotridecanol n-Butanol n-Heptanol n-Hexanol tert-Butanol 1-Eicosanol 1-Heptanol 1-Hexadecanol 1-Octadecanol 1-Octanol 1-Pentanol 2-Butanol 2-Hexyl-1-decanol 2-Methyl-2-propanol
IRDI 0173-1#01-AAH211#021
Bereits auf der Merkliste: 0 von max. 4

BASIC Merkmale: 1-Eicosanol

  • EU index number
  • ADNR number
  • rational formulae
  • UN number
  • Werteliste Designating letter for danger symbol 1
  • Design of product
  • RTECS number
  • Use purpose
  • Werteliste Designating letter for danger symbol 2
  • Werteliste Poison class as in list of poisons (Switzerland) as a designating letter.
  • Werteliste GHS-Symbols
  • Werteliste Precautionary statements
  • HS-Code of the WCO
  • Werteliste Designating letter for danger symbol 4
  • IMDG-Code pursuant to the German Marine Hazardous Goods Ordinance
  • hazardous goods legislation (in accordance with RID)
  • Werteliste State of aggregation at 35°C
  • Werteliste Safety data sheet obligatory
  • molar mass
  • Kemler number
  • EINECS number
  • Odor
  • IATA-DGR (pursuant to ICAO)
  • EmS number
  • Batch number
  • product designation of manufacturer
  • Mass portion
  • Total formula
  • CAS number
  • ELINCS number
  • Werteliste State of aggregation at 20°C
  • Werteliste TSCA listed
  • Werteliste Hazard statements
  • Werteliste material
  • Werteliste S sentences
  • Werteliste Signal word
  • Werteliste R sets
  • Werteliste color
  • Werteliste Hazard type
  • Werteliste Designating letter for danger symbol 3
  • Werteliste Hazardous substance
  • Werteliste Water hazard class as a code
  • Werteliste dual use mark
  • gross weight
  • net weight
  • country of origin
  • county of origin
  • GTIN
  • Manufacturer name
  • product article number of manufacturer
  • address of additional link
  • Supplier product designation
  • Product type
  • URI of the product
  • GLN of manufacturer
  • URI of manufacturer
  • Manufacturer product order suffix
  • Manufacturer product root
  • Manufacturer product family
  • Manufacturer product designation
  • Manufacturer product description
  • Brand
  • Customs tariff number
  • Werteliste Type of customs tariff number
  • Werteliste Use of customs tariff number
  • GLN of supplier
  • Supplier product family
  • Supplier product root
  • Supplier product order suffix
  • Supplier product type
  • product article number of supplier
  • name of supplier
  • Supplier product description

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