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Klassifikation: 19080804 [ACL313017]
Bevorzugte Benennung | 19-08-08-04 Steering wheel (hardware for games) |
Schlagwörter | Control (PC) |
IRDI | 0173-1#01-ACL313#017 |
BASIC Merkmale: Steering wheel (hardware for games)
URI of manufacturer
Manufacturer product designation
Product type
URI of the product
GLN of manufacturer
Supplier product description
Supplier product family
Supplier product root
Supplier product order suffix
Supplier product designation
product article number of supplier
name of supplier
Net weight
Werteliste Designation of battery
Supplier product type
GLN of supplier
Werteliste Category
registration number (WEEE)
type of device (WEEE)
net weight to record marketed quantities (WEEE)
Werteliste WEEE labeling present
Werteliste RoHS attention of conformity
Werteliste Type of customs tariff number
Werteliste Use of customs tariff number
HS-Code of the WCO
Customs tariff number
Product check date according to RoHS
Werteliste Batteries included
number of batteries/accumulators
Cardboard weight portion of the individual packaging
Foil weight portion of the individual packaging
Weight of the individual packaging
Polystyrene weight portion of the individual packaging
Werteliste Connection technology
Werteliste Service
Werteliste Software included
Werteliste Type of current supply
Resolution of movement
Keyboard layout
Min. working storage
Werteliste Cables included
Werteliste color
Min. capacity of hard disc storage
Number of req. connections and outputs
Min. processor design
Number of buttons
Required operating system
Type of support
Werteliste interface for peripheral device present
Function of keys/button
Design of pointing device
Number of function keys
Form factor
Number of supported function keys
Period of validity of license.
Type of peripheral device
Type of peripheral input device
System requirement for PC connection
Werteliste Product certification present
address of additional link
Manufacturer name
Manufacturer product order suffix
Manufacturer product root
Manufacturer product family
product article number of manufacturer
Manufacturer product description