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Klassifikation: 27100000 [AAB759009]

Bevorzugte Benennung 27-10 Network control technology
Definition Network control technology can be summarised under the heading MSR(german)/ MCT (measurement and control technology). Network control technology is used to monitor and control networks, this includes electrical nets, water distribution nets, gas nets or heat grids. The transfer of process information to a central control base, the user-friendly preparation and display as well as the issue of the control commands to the process in the opposite direction are the main features of that technology. Main group 27100000 is divided into devices for the recording, transfer, synchronization of the measurements and devices for controlling of the monitored switch gears (remote control device). Components, maintenance, inspection and service of the network control technology form the remaining groups
IRDI 0173-1#01-AAB759#009
Bereits auf der Merkliste: 0 von max. 4

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