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ECLASS BASIC 15.0 (en)
- 15 Maintenance (Service)
- 15-01 Information-, communication technology (maintenance)
- 15-02 Multimedia-, repro-, photographic technology (maintenance)
- 15-03 Tool (maintenance)
- 15-04 Soldering, welding (maintenance)
- 15-05 Building services engineering (maintenance)
- 15-06 Machine element (maintenance)
- 15-07 Office equipment and fixtures (maintenance)
- 15-08 Office technology (maintenance)
- 15-09 Electric engineering device, machine (maintenance)
- 15-10 Fluid technology (maintenance)
- 15-11 Electrical measurement and control technology (maintenance)
- 15-12 Robotics, handling technology (maintenance)
- 15-13 Road vehicle (maintenance)
- 15-14 Civil aircraft (maintenance)
- 15-15 Rail-bound vehicle (maintenance)
- 15-16 Water vehicle (maintenance)
- 15-17 Agricultural machine (maintenance)
- 15-18 Home economics, home technology (maintenance)
- 15-19 Furnishing, installation for laboratory (maintenance)
- 15-20 Laboratory equipment (maintenance)
- 15-21 Apparatus for process engineering (maintenance)
- 15-22 Fluid flow engine (maintenance)
- 15-23 Materials-handling and storage technology (maintenance)
- 15-24 Surface technology (maintenance)
- 15-25 Manufacturing machine, equipment (maintenance)
- 15-26 Processing installation, -machine (maintenance)
- 15-27 Test machine, test system (maintenance)
- 15-28 Industrial piping (maintenance)
- 15-29 Industrial fitting for piping (maintenance)
- 15-30 Work clothing, protective clothing (maintenance)
- 15-31 Technical safety equipment (maintenance)
- 15-32 Special machine for industrial manufacturing (maintenance)
- 15-33 Packing material (maintenance)
- 15-34 In-vitro diagnostic (maintenance)
- 15-35 Energy generation plant (maintenance)
- 15-36 Medicalengineering
Classification: 15000000 [ADG630006]
Preferred name | 15 Maintenance (Service) |
Definition | combination of all technical, administrative, and managerial actions during the life cycle of an item intended to retain it in or restore it to a state in which it can perform the required function |
IRDI | 0173-1#01-ADG630#006 |