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ECLASS BASIC 15.0 (en)
- 22 Construction technology
- 22-54 Outdoor installations, gardening and landscaping
- 22-54-01 Sprinkler, irrigation system
- 22-54-02 Garden tool, garden equipment
- 22-54-03 Plant, planting soil
- 22-54-04 Pond system
- 22-54-05 Bicycle storage
- 22-54-06 Fall protection (playground)
- 22-54-09 Garden equipment, city equipment
- 22-54-10 Surface design (landscaping)
- 22-54-11 Seed (landscaping)
- 22-54-12 Fitting for outdoor installations, gardening and landscaping
- 22-54-90 Outdoor installations, gardening and landscaping (other)
Classification: 22540000 [AJZ752012]
Preferred name | 22-54 Outdoor installations, gardening and landscaping |
Definition | The gardening and landscaping industry (GaLaBau) is concerned with the construction, transformation and maintenance of greenery and free-range facilities as well as landscape management. In particular, parking lots, public buildings, industrial and commercial premises, green areas in public and private housing and housing construction, roadside greenery, cemeteries, recreational and sporting areas, as well as private green spaces are being developed |
IRDI | 0173-1#01-AJZ752#012 |