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Classification: 44040104 [AFY147009]
Preferred name | 44-04-01-04 Charger (motor vehicle, low voltage) |
Definition | Assembly group or element of a motor vehicle |
IRDI | 0173-1#01-AFY147#009 |
BASIC Properties: Charger (motor vehicle, low voltage)
GLN of supplier
supplier of the identifier
drawing number of manufacturer
empty weight
Supplier product family
Supplier product root
Supplier product order suffix
Supplier product type
product article number of supplier
name of supplier
Supplier product description
Supplier product designation
Product type
URI of the product
GLN of manufacturer
URI of manufacturer
Manufacturer product order suffix
Manufacturer product root
Manufacturer product family
Manufacturer product designation
Manufacturer name
product article number of manufacturer
Manufacturer product description
address of additional link
Valuelist Type of customs tariff number
Valuelist Use of customs tariff number
HS-Code of the WCO
Customs tariff number