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ECLASS BASIC 15.0 (en)
- 45 Human and veterinary drug, pesticide as well as active ingredient
- 45-03 Active substance for veterinary drugs
- 45-04 Active substance for plant protection
- 45-05 Active substance for cosmetics
- 45-06 Alimentary Tract and Metabolism
- 45-07 Blood and Blood Forming Product
- 45-08 Cardiovascular System
- 45-09 Dermatological
- 45-10 Genito-Urinary System and Sex Hormone
- 45-11 Systemic Hormonal Preparation
- 45-12 Systemic Anti-Infective
- 45-13 Hospital Solution
- 45-14 Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating Agent
- 45-15 Muscolo-Skeletal System
- 45-16 Nervous System
- 45-17 Parasitology
- 45-18 Respiratory System
- 45-19 Sensory Organ
- 45-20 Diagnostic Agent
- 45-21 Various
- 45-22 Pharmaceutical Additive
Classification: 45000000 [AGD616004]
Preferred name | 45 Human and veterinary drug, pesticide as well as active ingredient |
Definition | Segment includes a wide range of pharmaceutical and agricultural products. This includes finished medicinal products and formulations for humans and animals that are used for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, as well as chemicals and biological products for plant protection that aim to protect plants from pests and diseases. Also included are active pharmaceutical, cosmetic and agrochemical substances that serve as the basis for these products. Application sectors include healthcare, veterinary medicine and agriculture or end users who require these products for their private needs. These products play a decisive role in maintaining the health of humans and animals and in safeguarding food production. |
IRDI | 0173-1#01-AGD616#004 |