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- 25 General service
- 25-15 Finance and insurance services
- 25-15-02 Insurance services
- 25-15-03 Allocation of funds (financial services)
- 25-15-04 Donation (financial services)
- 25-15-05 Sponsorship (financial services)
- 25-15-06 Contribution (financial services)
- 25-15-13 Account, exchange (financial service)
- 25-15-14 Asset management (financial service)
- 25-15-15 Interest management (financial service)
- 25-15-16 Foreign-exchange trading, currency management (service)
- 25-15-17 Financing (service)
- 25-15-18 Investment banking (financial service)
- 25-15-19 Leasing, hire purchase
- 25-15-20 Accounting (external, financial services)
- 25-15-21 Tax (financial service)
- 25-15-22 Billing (financial service)
- 25-15-90 Finance and insurance services (other)
Classification: 25150000 [AAB447012]
Preferred name | 25-15 Finance and insurance services |
Keywords | Financial service Insurance service |
IRDI | 0173-1#01-AAB447#012 |