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- 13 Development (Service)
- 14 Logistics (Service)
- 15 Maintenance (Service)
- 16 Food, beverage, tobacco
- 17 Machine, device (for special applications)
- 18 Equipment for mining, metallurgical plant, rolling mill and foundry
- 19 Information, communication and media technology
- 20 Packing material
- 21 Plant equipment, tool
- 22 Construction technology
- 23 Machine element, fastener, fixing, mounting
- 24 Office product, facility and technic, papeterie
- 25 General service
- 26 Energy, extraction product, secondary raw material and residue
- 27 Electric engineering, automation, process control engineering
- 28 Vehicle (complete vehicle)
- 29 Home economics, Home technology
- 30 Auxiliary supply, additive, cleaning agent
- 31 Polymer
- 32 Laboratory material, Laboratory technology
- 33 Installation (complete)
- 34 Medical Device
- 35 Semifinished product
- 36 Machine, apparatus
- 37 Industrial piping
- 38 Inorganic Chemical
- 39 Organic Chemical
- 40 Occupational safety, accident prevention
- 41 Marketing
- 42 In-vitro diagnostic
- 43 Optics
- 44 Automotive engineering, vehicle component
- 45 Human and veterinary drug, pesticide as well as active ingredient
- 46 Clothing and textile
- 47 Body care, personal hygiene
- 48 Sport, playing, leisure
- 49 Public safety and military technology
- 50 Interior furnishing
- 51 Fluid power
- 90 Interim class (unspecified)