Recherche dans le contenu ECLASS
ECLASS vous permet de consulter les dernières versions d’ECLASS et d’effectuer une recherche gratuitement. La fonction de recherche est intuitive et vous permet de vous familiariser rapidement avec le standard ECLASS, sans qu’aucune démarche administrative ne soit nécessaire de votre part.
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ECLASS BASIC 15.0 (en)
- 21 Plant equipment, tool
- 21-01 Tool
- 21-02 Gripping tool, workpiece holder
- 21-04 Hand tool
- 21-05 Electric tool
- 21-06 Compressed air tool
- 21-07 Transport device
- 21-08 Soldering, welding
- 21-10 Plant, workshop equipment
- 21-11 Hydraulic tool
- 21-12 Facility
- 21-13 Standardized tool parts (tool, die and mold making)
- 21-16 Surveying equipment
- 21-17 Dimensional Measuring Equipment / Gauge, length
- 21-18 Cutting tool with defined cutting edges
- 21-19 Cleaning device (plant equipment)
- 21-20 Tool (gas powered)
- 21-21 Primary molding tool
Classification: 21000000 [AAA183011]
Preferred name | 21 Plant equipment, tool |
Definition | Segment includes a wide range of precision, hand and power tools, machines and equipment required for production, operation and maintenance in various industrial and craft environments. This includes tools for mechanical work, clamping devices, fixtures, standards, measuring and testing equipment, factory equipment and transportation equipment. |
IRDI | 0173-1#01-AAA183#011 |