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ECLASS BASIC 15.0 (en)
- 40 Occupational safety, accident prevention
- 40-01 Protective clothing
- 40-02 Accident protection
- 40-04 Fire protection
- 40-05 Explosion protection device, explosion protection agent
- 40-06 Equipment for odd lot storage (hazardous material)
- 40-20 Information, safety, traffic signs
- 40-21 Fall protection
- 40-22 Respiratory protection
- 40-23 Eye and face protection
- 40-24 First aid
- 40-25 Foot protection
- 40-26 Gas detection
- 40-27 Hearing Protection
- 40-28 Hand protection
- 40-29 Skin protection
- 40-30 Head protection
Classification: 40000000 [AAE587010]
Preferred name | 40 Occupational safety, accident prevention |
Definition | Segment includes equipment, systems and services designed to ensure the health and safety of employees in the workplace. This includes personal protective equipment such as protective clothing, hand protection, foot protection, respiratory protection and rope protection as well as safety systems. Application sectors include the construction, manufacturing, chemical and mining industries. The division aims to prevent accidents at work and the associated consequences and to support compliance with statutory safety regulations in order to create a healthy and safe working environment. |
IRDI | 0173-1#01-AAE587#010 |