Recherche dans le contenu ECLASS
ECLASS vous permet de consulter les dernières versions d’ECLASS et d’effectuer une recherche gratuitement. La fonction de recherche est intuitive et vous permet de vous familiariser rapidement avec le standard ECLASS, sans qu’aucune démarche administrative ne soit nécessaire de votre part.
L'utilisation de la recherche dans ECLASS
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Classification: 50110891 [AGY421004]
Preferred name | 50-11-08-91 Kitchen grater (living, parts) |
Definition | Sub-group (4th level) for objects with spare part characteristics that maintain or re-store the original condition of the objects classified under the parent-class on the 3rd level |
IRDI | 0173-1#01-AGY421#004 |
BASIC Properties: Kitchen grater (living, parts)
Manufacturer product description
Manufacturer product order suffix
product article number of manufacturer
Supplier product description
URI of the product
Supplier product designation
Use for product
GLN of supplier
Supplier product family
Supplier product type
Supplier product root
Supplier product order suffix
product article number of supplier
name of supplier
address of additional link
Valuelist Type of customs tariff number
Valuelist Use of customs tariff number
HS-Code of the WCO
Customs tariff number
URI of manufacturer
Manufacturer product root
GLN of manufacturer
Manufacturer product family
Manufacturer product designation
Product type
Manufacturer name