Enable your global business and digitization
Découvrez ECLASS, l'unique standard international de données pour les marchandises et les services qui soit conforme aux normes ISO et CEI.
La version actuelle
ECLASS Release 14.0
ECLASS publie une nouvelle version chaque année. Par rapport à son prédécesseur, la version actuelle ECLASS Release 14.0 contient :
- Traductions complètes en 15 langues
- 4 nouveaux sous-modèles pour le Asset Adminitration Shell (AAS)
- environ 400 nouvelles classes
- environ 73 nouveaux blocs
- environ 2 500 nouvelles caractéristiques et
- environ 1 900 nouvelles valeurs
ECLASS General Assembly 2024
In addition to formal decisions, the election and discharge of the Management Board, is also decided upon in the general orientation of the association.
The Digital Product Passport with ECLASS - Webinar on Tuesday, September 17, 2024
After a brief introduction to the ECLASS Standard, we will show you in an application example how to create a Digital Product Passport (DPP) with the help of ECLASS. Carolin Prinz will answer your questions about DPP and ECLASS.
Interview with Dr. Christian Block: ECLASS as RDF
Together with the experts of the ECLASS working group, Christian Block has published a Technical Specification for ECLASS as a Resource Description Framework (RDF). In this interview, he talks about the challenges of the project and the importance of RDF for the future of digital standards.
BETA version released: More new content for ECLASS Release 15.0
After more than 150,000 change requests were submitted already during the ALPHA phase, another 125,000 change requests were submitted during the BETA phase. Since mid-August, the BETA version is available for testing by experts in the ECLASS community. Giving feedback to the BETA release is possible until September 15, 2024.
New content for ECLASS Release 15.0
Over 150,000 change requests and nine additional languages for ECLASS Release 15.0: ECLASS will be the only data standard to offer a total of 26 languages, reaching over 60% of the world's population and covering both European and international markets.
First ECLASS as RDF specification
ECLASS will soon publish an ECLASS as RDF specification, which will be the first official ECLASS as RDF specification including all ECLASS Structural Elements.