An introduction to the standard
A standard for your master data - Benefits for the entire value chain
With ECLASS, product master data can be exchanged digitally across all borders – across sectors, countries, languages and organizations. That’s why the standard has long since established itself in industry, commerce, trades and the service sector.
Standardized master data is what makes Master Data Management possible – and thus creates a secure factual basis for optimization. ECLASS is the tool that allows you to eliminate losses due to friction across your entire company. Here’s just a few examples of how:
- Create the data basis needed to network your devices and systems
- Save on procurement costs
- Expand your sales opportunities
- Expedite tender processes
- Optimize controlling processes
- Improve communication with customers and partners
Cross-sector standard with unique identification
A large proportion of the goods and services traded worldwide are represented in ECLASS. ECLASS develops different standards from industries such as electrical engineering, food, automotive and office supplies into a uniform, cross-sector standard.
The ECLASS Standard currently offers about 48,000 product classes and more than 23,000 unique properties that can be collectively categorized with only four levels of classification. As a result, every product and service can be described with an eight-digit code. Properties such as supplier name, type designation or brand are contained in additional, machine-readable identifiers.
The introductory consulting
Tailored to you and your needs – online or on-site
Do you want to learn how the ECLASS standard functions, and how you can optimize processes by implementing it in your company? Or how, without great expense, you can create an electronic catalog (e.g., BMEcat) with product data classified according to ECLASS, or better utilize e-markets and e-procurement platforms?
What benefits does the ECLASS standard offer?
Where can ECLASS be used within a company?
What divisions or areas will be affected by a changeover?
What software decisions will be necessary?
Where can ECLASS-experienced IT Service Providers be found for the implementation process?
What other e-business standards can be used along with ECLASS?
The ECLASS office offers an initial online or on-site consultation, in English or German, in which you can learn how the ECLASS Standard can benefit you and how you can optimally introduce it in your company, and in which you can ask any other questions you may have.
This initial consultation provides a basic evaluation of ECLASS implementation and utilization opportunites within the specific e-business setting. Together, the customer and consulting team create a conceptual basis for a goal-oriented, enterprise-tailored approach.
As required, this may result in the impartial recommendation of appropriate specialized industry contacts, service providers and software products, with the goal of optimally implementing your ECLASS goals.
Registration to introductory consultation
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** Additional flat-rate travel costs, calculated based on distance traveled, may also be incurred.