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Activities in the construction industry: New cooperation with freeclass (inndata)

After successful discussions, in August 2021, the partners ECLASS and inndata Datentechnik GmbH signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a cooperation in the construction industry. Inndata has been organizing and developing the "freeclass" standard since 2007, which is used by many companies in Austria and neighboring countries as a consistent, legally compliant building material classification.

Both contract partners are committed to the standardization of product information with the aim of optimizing the use of this product data in the processes of the construction industry - and even beyond. In addition, the contract partners consider standardized product data to be an essential basis and prerequisite for the successful networking of manufacturers, distributors and customers as well as for the expansion of digital value chains involving all parties involved in planning, building and operating.

A key objective is to align the content structures in both standards so that in the future the market is not confronted with different structures and properties in both standards. For this purpose, a proof of concept (PoC) will be conducted to map and further develop the freeclass structures of the product area "insulation materials" in the ECLASS Standard. Depending on the results of the PoC, a decision will then be made on further product areas.

During the mapping of the structures from freeclass and their further development in ECLASS, the following (building) associations from Austria will also be involved as supporting partners, which will contribute to the harmonization of structures and descriptions of properties as well as the definition of the properties:

  • VBÖ - Association of Builders' Merchants in Austria
  • F.B.I. - Research Association of the Austrian Building Materials Industry
  • ZIB - Central Association of Industrial Building Product Manufacturers
  • Austrian Federal Guild of Construction

Both partners as well as the involved associations are very much looking forward to the cooperation, which will start actively in the next weeks.

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