List advanced xml files

Please find hereafter a list of all files contained in the ADVANCED xml files.

Please note, that

  • "A_B" stands for the release number
  • “xy” stands for a language code
  • For further information also see the page ISOLanguageCode
File Content
\eClassA_B_Dictionary_ADVANCED_XML_XY\ .xml folder
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_13.xml .xml file of the segment 13 “Development (Service)“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_14.xml .xml file of the segment 14 “Logistics (Service)“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_15.xml .xml file of the segment 15 “Maintenance (Service)“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_16.xml .xml file of the segment 16 “Food, beverage, tobacco“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_17.xml .xml file of the segment 17 “Machine, device (for special applications)“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_18.xml .xml file of the segment 18 “Equipment f. mining, metallurgical plant, rolling mill a. foundry“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_19.xml .xml file of the segment 19 “Information, communication and media technology“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_20.xml .xml file of the segment 20 “Packing material“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_21.xml .xml file of the segment 21 “ Manufacturing facility, workshop equipment, tool“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_22.xml .xml file of the segment 22 “Construction technology“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_23.xml .xml file of the segment 23 “Machine element, fixing, mounting“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_24.xml .xml file of the segment 24 “Office product, facility and technic, papeterie“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_25.xml .xml file of the segment 25 “General service“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_26.xml .xml file of the segment 26 “Energy, extraction product, secondary raw material and residue“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_27.xml .xml file of the segment 27 “Electric engineering,automation, process control engineering“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_28.xml .xml file of the segment 28 “Automotive technology“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_29.xml .xml file of the segment 29 „Home economics, Home technology“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_30.xml .xml file of the segment 30 “Auxiliary supply, additive, cleaning agent“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_31.xml .xml file of the segment 31 “Polymer“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_32.xml .xml file of the segment 32 “Laboratory material, Laboratory technology “ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_33.xml .xml file of the segment 33 “Installation (complete)“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_34.xml .xml file of the segment 34 “Medicine, medical technology“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_35.xml .xml file of the segment 35 “Semifinished product, material“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_36.xml .xml file of the segment 36 “Machine, apparatus“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_37.xml .xml file of the segment 37 “Industrial piping“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_38.xml .xml file of the segment 38 “Inorganic Chemical“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_39.xml .xml file of the segment 39 “Organic Chemical“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_40.xml .xml file of the segment 40 “ Occupational safety, accident prevention“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_41.xml .xml file of the segment 41 “Marketing“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_42.xml .xml file of the segment 42 “In-vitro diagnostic“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_43.xml .xml file of the segment 43 “Optics“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_44.xml .xml file of the segment 44 “Motor vehicle“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_45.xml .xml file of the segment 45 “Human and veterinary drug, pesticide as well as active ingredient“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_46.xml .xml file of the segment 46 “Clothing and textile“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_47.xml .xml file of the segment 47 “Body care and personal hygiene“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_48.xml .xml file of the segment 48 “Sport, playing, leisure“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_49.xml .xml file of the segment 49 “Public safety and military technology“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_50.xml .xml file of the segment 50 “Interior furnishing“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_51.xml .xml file of the segment 51 “Fluid power“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_ADVANCED_xy_SG_90.xml .xml file of the segment 90 “Interim class (unclassified)“ in the ADVANCED version language-specific
eClassA_B_templates_ADVANCED_XML_XY\ NO CONTENT - this .xml folder used to include ECLASS templates until the ECLASS Release 9.1
eClassA_B_Mapping_BASIC_ADVANCED\ .xml folder
eClassA_B_Mapping_BASIC_ADVANCED_.xml .xml file for mapping of ECLASS BASIC to ADVANCED
eClassA_B_UnitsML_EN_DE\ .xml folder
eClassA_B_UnitsML_EN_DE.xml .xml file for ECLASS units - English and German
eClass_A_B_XML_ADVANCED_Read_Me_xy_v2.pdf READ-ME-File for the ADVANCED version

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