CSV file description
You will find hereunder a detailed description of the csv files.
Please note, that
- "A_B" stands for the ECLASS Release number, e.g. 11_0
- “xy” stands for a language code
eClassA_B_CC_xy.csv (Class table)
No. | Attribute Name | Description | Length |
1 | Supplier** | International Code Designator (0173-1 for ECLASS) | CHAR(6) |
2 | IdCC** | Identifier + VersionNumber | CHAR(9) |
3 | Identifier** | Identifier (unique within the structure element type: class) | CHAR(6) |
4 | VersionNumber** | Version number | CHAR(3) |
5 | VersionDate | Publication date of version | CHAR(10) |
6 | RevisionNumber | Revision number | CHAR(2) |
7 | CodedName | ECLASS class code | CHAR(8) |
8 | PreferredName | Name | CHAR(80) |
9 | Definition | Definition | CHAR(1023) |
10 | ISOLanguageCode | Language code according to ISO 639-1 / ISO 639-2, e.g. „en“ | CHAR(2) |
11 | ISOCountryCode | Country code according to ISO 3166-1 / ISO 3166-2, e.g. “US” | CHAR(2) |
12 | Note | Note on definition | CHAR(1023) |
13 | Remark | Remark on usage of the class | CHAR(1023) |
14 | Level | Hierarchichal level in class tree | CHAR(1) |
15 | MKSubclass | Flag subgroup (0=no/1=yes) | CHAR(1) |
16 | MKKeyword | Flag, if keywords exist for class (0=no/1=yes) | CHAR(1) |
17 | MKBSA | Flag standard set of properties (2= Standard set of properties (SSP))* | CHAR(1) |
18 | IrdiCC | Primary key of the class; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
- *ECLASS differentiates between standard sets of properties (SSP) and basic sets of properties (BSP). SSP are individually developed for specific classes. The BSP (one for each segment) is automatically assigned to every single ECLASS class, i.e. each ECLASS class has at least the BSP. The segments’ BSPs are listed HERE. The entries in the field "mkbsa" have the following meaning:
- No entry = The property contains only the basic set of properties (BSP), see HERE
- 2 = The property contains a standard set of properties, i.e. the BSP plus specific properties for the product class
eClassA_B_KWSY_xy.csv (Keyword table)
No. | Attribute Name | Description | Length |
1 | SupplierKW/SupplierSY** | International Code Designator of the keyword/synonym | CHAR(6) |
2 | Identifier** | Identifier (unique within the structure element type: keyword/synonym) | CHAR(6) |
3 | VersionNumber** | Version number | CHAR(3) |
4 | IdCC/IdPR** | Primary key of the related class/property | CHAR(9) |
5 | KeywordValue/SynonymValue | Name of keyword/synonym | CHAR(80) |
6 | Explanation | Description of keyword/synonym | CHAR(255) |
7 | ISOLanguageCode | Language code according to ISO 639-1 / ISO 639-2, e.g. „en“ | CHAR(2) |
8 | ISOCountryCode | Country code according to ISO 3166-1 / ISO 3166-2, e.g. “US” | CHAR(2) |
9 | TypeOfTargetSE | Identifier of target element type (CC=class, PR=property) | CHAR(2) |
10 | IrdiTarget | Primary key of target; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
11 | IrdiKW/IrdiSY | Primary key of the keyword/synonym; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
12 | TypeOfSE | Identifier of structure element type (KW=keyword, SY=synonym). Note: keywords can only be assigned to classes, synonyms can only be assigned to properties (see TypeOfTargetSE) | CHAR(2) |
eClassA_B_CC_PR_xy.csv (relations eClassA_B_CC_xy / eClassA_B_PR_xy)
No. | Attribute Name | Description | Length |
1 | SupplierIdCC* | International Code Designator of the class (0173-1 für ECLASS) | CHAR(6) |
2 | IdCC** | Identifier+VersionNumber of the target class | CHAR(9) |
3 | ClassCodedName | ECLASS class code of the target class | CHAR(8) |
4 | SupplierIdPR** | International Code Designator of the property (0173-1 for ECLASS) | CHAR(6) |
5 | IdPR** | Identifier+VersionNumber of the assigned property | CHAR(9) |
6 | IrdiCC | Primary key of the target; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
7 | IrdiPR | Primary key of the assigned property; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
8 | PreferredNameBlock (since Release 11.0) | If a property in ECLASS Advanced is assigned to a block and this property is also considered for ECLASS Basic, the corresponding name of the block is listed in this column. | CHAR(80) |
eClassA_B_PR_xy.csv (Property table)
No. | Attribute Name | Description | Length |
1 | Supplier** | International Code Designator of the property (0173-1 for ECLASS) | CHAR(6) |
2 | IdPR** | Identifier + VersionNumber | CHAR(9) |
3 | Identifier** | Identifier (unique within the structure element type: property) | CHAR(6) |
4 | VersionNumber** | Version number | CHAR(3) |
5 | VersionDate | Publication date of version | CHAR(10) |
6 | RevisionNumber | Revision number | CHAR(2) |
7 | PreferredName | Name | CHAR(80) |
8 | ShortName | Short name | CHAR(17) |
9 | Definition | Definition | CHAR(1023) |
10 | SourceofDefinition | Source of definition | CHAR(1023) |
11 | Note | Note on definition | CHAR(1023) |
12 | Remark | Remark on usage of the property | CHAR(1023) |
13 | FormularSymbol | Preferred formular symbol | CHAR(17) |
14 | IrdiUN | Primary key of the assigned unit; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
15 | ISOLanguageCode | Language code according to ISO 639-1 / ISO 639-2, e.g. „en“ | CHAR(2) |
16 | ISOCountryCode | Country code according to ISO 3166-1 / ISO 3166-2, e.g. “US” | CHAR(2) |
17 | Category | Type class of property according to IEC 61360 | CHAR(3) |
18 | AttributeType | Flag for existing value list (direct= free entry, no value list existing; indirect= chose from a defined value list) | CHAR(8) |
19 | DefinitionClass | ICS class | CHAR(255) |
22 | DigitsAfterComma | Number of digits after comma (Real_COUNT / REAL_MEASURE / REAL_CURRENCY) | INTEGER |
23 | NumberOfCharacters | For properties of data types STRING / STRING_TRANSLATEABLE/ URL / RATIONAL / RATIONAL_MEASURE / TIME / TIMESTAMP / DATE it specifies the maximum character length of the value. For properties of data types URL / RATIONAL / RATIONAL_MEASURE / TIME / TIMESTAMP / DATE special characters can be included (e.g. http, //, :, / etc.)) | INTEGER |
24 | IrdiPR | Primary key of the property; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
25 | CurrencyAlphaCode | Specifies the property’s currency (INTEGER_CURRENCY, REAL_CURRENCY) according to ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD | CHAR(3) |
eClassA_B_PR_VA_xy.csv (Relations eClassA_B_PR_xy/ eClassA_B_VA_xy)
No. | Attribute Name | Description | Length |
1 | IrdiPR | Primary key of the target property; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
2 | IrdiVA | Primary key of the assigned value; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
ECLASS interpretes its value lists as open, i.e. as suggestions that cannot guarantee exhaustiveness. As the ISO defines value lists as restrictive and exclusive, i.e. only those values of a value list are valid for a property and no others, ECLASS had to change its structure to be ISO-compliant. Therefore ECLASS distinguishes now between restrictive value lists (in the ISO-sense, see HERE) that include only BOOLEAN property-value-relations and suggested lists (proposed "open" lists that are neither exclusive nor exhaustive and only in the context of a class, see HERE).
eClassA_B_CC_PR_VA_suggested_incl_constraint_xy.csv (Relations eClassA_B_CC_xy / eClassA_B_PR_xy / eClassA_B_VA_xy)
No. | Attribute Name | Description | Length |
1 | IrdiCC | Primary key of the target class; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
2 | IrdiPR | Primary key of the target property; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
3 | IrdiVA | Primary key of the assigned value; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
4 | Constraint | [true;false] | CHAR(5) |
With release 9.0 ECLASS introduces constraints, i.e. the limitation of a set of values of a property in the context of a class. E.g. a property “colour” might have the value list [red;yellow;green]. For a class “traffic light” all colours are valid, but for class “pedestrian traffic light” only [red;green] might be valid, i.e. a constraint is created for the value “yellow”. Therefore all values (except restricted values, see 3.1.5) are to be seen in the context of a class.
eClassA_B_VA_xy.csv (Value table)
No. | Attribute Name | Description | Length |
1 | Supplier* | International Code Designator (0173-1 for ECLASS) | CHAR(6) |
2 | IdVA** | Identifier + VersionNumber | CHAR(9) |
3 | Identifier** | Identifier (unique within the structure element type: property) | CHAR(6) |
4 | VersionNumber** | Version number | CHAR(3) |
5 | RevisionNumber | Revision Number | CHAR(2) |
6 | VersionDate | Publication date of version | CHAR(10) |
7 | PreferredName | Name | CHAR(80) |
8 | ShortName | Short name | CHAR(17) |
9 | Definition | Definition | CHAR(1023) |
10 | Reference | Source of definition | CHAR(1023) |
11 | ISOLanguageCode | Language code according to ISO 639-1 / ISO 639-2, e.g. „en“ | CHAR(2) |
12 | ISOCountryCode | Country code according to ISO 3166-1 / ISO 3166-2, e.g. “US” | CHAR(2) |
13 | IrdiVA | Primary key of the value; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
eClassA_B_UN_xy.csv (Unit table)
No. | Attribute Name | Description | Length |
1 | StructuredNaming | Structured Naming of the unit, e.g. “volt litre^-1 minute^-1” | CHAR(1000) |
2 | ShortName | Short name | CHAR(1000) |
3 | Definition | Definition | CHAR(1000) |
4 | Source | Source of definition | CHAR(1000) |
5 | Comment | Comment on definition | CHAR(1000) |
6 | SINotation | Notation (STRING) according to the International System of Units, e.g. “V/(l•min)” | CHAR(1000) |
7 | SIName | Name (STRING) according to the International System of Units | CHAR(1000) |
8 | DINNotation | Notation (STRING) according to DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) | CHAR(1000) |
9 | ECEName | ECE Name (STRING), e.g. “volt per liter minute” | CHAR(1000) |
10 | ECECode | ECE Code (STRING) according to ECE, e.g. “ F87” | CHAR(3) |
11 | NISTName | Name (STRING) according to NIST | CHAR(1000) |
12 | IECClassification | Classification of the unit according to IEC | CHAR(1000) |
13 | IrdiUN | Primary key of the unit; globally unique International Registration Data Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) | CHAR(20) |
14 | NameOfDedicatedQuantity | Name of the superordinate quantity according to DIN | CHAR(1000) |
ECLASS does not use special characters such as <;> or <">, which are interpreted by some systems as a control or separation character. The unit 0173-1#07-AAA683#002 "angular_second" however, is abbreviated as <">, which is both the DIN and the SI notation of this unit. ECLASS points out that the interpretation of this table might result in difficulties at this point.