Update File CSV

Description of the files

The ZIP-file contains all relevant files for the update process of the Source Releases, e.g. 10.0.1 and 10.1 (i.e. it is valid for all 10.x-versions), to the Target Release, in this example 11.0.

Example Update-Files for updating from ECLASS Release 10.x to 11.x:

  • eClass-RUF-TU-CC_10_x_to_11_x.csv = Transaction Upgrade Classes (Class-Update-Table)
  • eClass-RUF-TU-PR_10_x_to_11_x.csv = Transaction Upgrade Properties (Property-Update-Table)
  • eClass-RUF-CC_10_x_to_11_x-en_US.csv = Table of Classification Classes
  • eClass-RUF-KW-SY_10_x_to_11_x-en_US.csv = Table of Keywords / Synonyms
  • eClass-RUF-PR_10_x_to_11_x-en_US.csv = Table of Properties
  • eClass-RUF-VA_10_x_to_11_x-en_US.csv = Table of Values
  • eClass-RUF-CC_PR_10_x_to_11_x.csv = Relations Classes-Properties
  • eClass-RUF-PR_VA_10_x_to_11_x.csv = Relations Properties-Values
  • eClass-RUF-UN_10_x_to_11_x-en_US.csv = Table of units

Format of data sets

CSV, data sets separated by semicolon (1st line = field titles), Codepage: UTF-8

About the use of the files

You can only use these mapping tables, if you possess both a Source Release (e.g. 10.x) and the Target Release (e.g. 11.x) and if you are a registered user of the ECLASS standard. The TU files for classes and properties contain the predecessor-successor-relationship of the changed classes and properties respectively of the Target Release. In the several tables of the specific structural elements (e.g. …11_x_CC_en.csv) all absolute changes are listed, i.e. all elements and relations that are no more part of the Target Release are listed as “CLOSED”, all new ones are listed as “NEW”. Those elements marked with “VERSION NUMBER“ have been adapted, but their concept was not changed, i.e. their identifier did not change, only their version number was raised.

Structure of the Release Update File

Update-to-date information and a detailed description can be found in the ECLASS Technical Support: Release Update File (RUF)


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