Release Update File (RUF)

General Information


  • UseCase: Viewing differences by human
  • NonUseCase: Automated data updates

Available for ECLASS version



The Release Update Files (RUF) contain the information on what has changed in one MajorRelease compared to the one before. It is a "human readable" collection of CSV files and is only relevant for the release of the BASIC version.

These files are one among several supporting files (RUF, TUFCUFSDF) which enable a user to update an ECLASS classified and property described material master to a new version. All of these files can be found here.

The RUF only contain modified elements. Changes are documented for classes, properties, and all other ECLASS elements regarding modifications, additions and deletions (MOVESPLITJOIN).

Files and Format

The RUF contain 9 files and differ between classification and transaction updates, therefore two types of files exist:

The TU files (#ECLASS-RUF-TU-CC and #ECLASS-RUF-TU-PR) for classes and properties contain the predecessor-successor-relationship of the changed classes and properties respectively in the target release. In the several tables of the specific structural elements (e.g. …10_0_CC_en.csv) all absolute changes are listed, i.e. all elements and relations that are no more part of the target release (e.g. 10.0.1) are listed as “CLOSED”, all new ones are listed as “NEW”. Those elements marked with “VERSION NUMBER“ have been adapted, but their concept was not changed, i.e. their identifier has not changed, only their version number was raised.

You can only use these mapping tables, if you possess both the source release (e.g. 9.1) and the target release (e.g. 10.0.1) and if you are a registered ECLASS user.

RUF is a set of UTF-8 (without byte order mark) encoded CSV files, data sets separated by semicolon (1st line = field titles).

Transfer Update Files


No Attribute name Description Length
1 Command Specifies the type of change that occurred in the TargetRelease:
  • NEW: New element in TargetRelease
  • MOVE: The class was moved within the hierarchy (CodedName changed), only on level 4
  • SPLIT: The class was split into several other classes and deprecated, only on level 4
  • JOIN: The class was joined into another class and deprecated, only on level 4
  • VERSION NUMBER: The element was changed without changing the concept (e.g. textual correction). Identifier (CHAR6) and Coded-Name (CHAR8) do not change.
  • CLOSED: The element from the SourceRelease was removed in the TargetRelease
2 IrdiSourceRelease Primary key of the predecessor class in the SourceRelease; International Registration Data Identifier of the class, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (International Registry Date Identifier) (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
3 CodedNameSourceRelease ECLASS class code (Coded name) of the predecessor (class in SourceRelease) CHAR(8)
4 IrdiTargetRelease Primary key of the successor class in the TargetRelease; International Registration Data Identifier of the class, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (International Registry Date Identifier)(Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
5 CodedNameTargetRelease ECLASS class code (Coded name) of the successor (class in TargetRelease) CHAR(8)
6 SourceRelease e.g. ECLASS 9.1 CHAR(13)
7 TargetRelease e.g. ECLASS 10.0.1 CHAR(13)


Command IrdiSourceRelease CodedName SourceRelease IrdiTargetRelease CodedName TargetRelease Source Release Target Release
MOVE 0173-1#01-AGZ365#007 27250580 0173-1#01-AGZ365#008 19240101 ECLASS7.1 ECLASS8.0
JOIN 0173-1#01-AGZ364#007 27250506 0173-1#01-AEK865#001 19170125 ECLASS7.1 ECLASS8.0
JOIN 0173-1#01-AGZ360#007 27250502 0173-1#01-AEK865#001 19170125 ECLASS7.1 ECLASS8.0
SPLIT 0173-1#01-AKM388#009 24230101 0173-1#01-AAX040#012 23330103 ECLASS7.1 ECLASS8.0
SPLIT 0173-1#01-AKM388#009 24230101 0173-1#01-AEL161#001 23330113 ECLASS7.1 ECLASS8.0

MOVE: Class 27250580 was moved to class 19240101 in release 9.0. Only the version number changes. See also: MOVE.

JOIN: Classes 27250506 and 27250502 were joined in the new class 19170125 in release 9.0. The sources will not be published any more. JOIN means: from specific to more general. See also: JOIN.

SPLIT: Class 24230101 was split into two new classes in release 9.0: 23330103 and 23330113. The two new classes persist, 24230101 will not be published any more. SPLIT means: from general to more specific. See also: SPLIT.


No Attribute name Description Length
1 Command Specifies the type of change that occurred in the TargetRelease:
  • NEW: New assignment in TargetRelease
  • VERSION NUMBER: At least one of the elements was changed without changing the concept (e.g. textual correction). Identifiers (CHAR6) do not change.
  • REPLACED_PROP: The element was replaced by another _COMPATIBLE identical element (a compatible replacement according to ISO Change Management). Valuations are still valid.
  • REPLACED_PROP: The element was substituted by another _INCOMPATIBLE similar element (an incompatible substitution according to ISO Change Management). Valuations might become invalid.
  • CLOSED: The element from the SourceRelease was removed in the TargetRelease
2 IrdiCCSourceRelease Primary key of the predecessor class in the SourceRelease; International Registration Data Identifier of the class, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
3 CodedNameSourceRelease ECLASS class code (Coded name) of the predecessor (class in SourceRelease) CHAR(8)
4 IrdiPRSourceRelease Primary key of the assigned property in the SourceRelease; International Registration Data Identifier of the property, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
5 IrdiCCTargetRelease Primary key of the successor class in the TargetRelease; International Registration Data Identifier of the class, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
6 CodedNameTargetRelease ECLASS class code (Coded name) of the successor (class in TargetRelease) CHAR(8)
7 IrdiPRTargetRelease Primary key of the assigned property in the TargetRelease; International Registration Data Identifier of the property, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
8 SourceRelease e.g. ECLASS 9.1 CHAR(13)
9 TargetRelease e.g. ECLASS 10.0.1 CHAR(13)

The table contains those cases, where the relation between a property and a class has changed. If a property in a class was replaced or substituted by another property the old property will not be part of the target release in this context.

Compatible replacement: The replacement of an old property by a new one is compatible, i.e. a user’s valuation is still valid.

Incompatible replacement: The replacement of an old property by a new one is incompatible, i.e. manual adaption of the data is necessary.

Note: the old property was incorrect and is substituted by the new correct one. The new property might differ in data type or unit.


Command IrdiCC Source Release Coded Name Source Release IrdiPR Source Release IrdiCC Target Release Coded Name Target Release IrdiPR Target Release Source Release Target Release
NEW       0173-1#01-AEL428#001 24321109 0173-1#02-BAB678#006 ECLASS8.1 ECLASS9.0
REPLACED_PROP_COMPATIBLE 0173-1#01-AKF979#009 24340711 0173-1#02-AAO223#001 0173-1#01-AKF979#010 24340711 0173-1#02-AAO192#002 ECLASS8.1 ECLASS9.0
REPLACED_PROP_INCOMPATIBLE 0173-1#01-BAD966#007 34301104 0173-1#02-BAJ012#006 0173-1#01-BAD966#008 34301104 0173-1#02-AAS244#001 ECLASS8.1 ECLASS9.0
NEW The property BAB678 is newly assigned to the class 24321109 in the target release.
COMPATIBLE REPLACE Property AAO223 that was assigned to class 24340711 among others is replaced by the compatible property AAO192.


  • Preferred name: Type of Battery
  • Definition: group of batteries with comparable attributes
  • Data type: STRING


  • Preferred name: Designation of battery
  • Definition: coded description of a battery
  • Data type: STRING
INCOMPATIBLE REPLACE In the context of class 34301104 the property BAJ012 that was assigned to the class in Release 8.1 is substituted by property

AAS244 that has a different data type.


  • Preferred name: Pharmaceutical central number
  • Data type: INTEGER_MEASURE


  • Preferred name: Pharmaceutical central number
  • Data type: STRING

Tables of the specific structural elements

ECLASS-RUF-CC (Class Table)

No Attribute name Description Length
1 Command Specifies the type of change that occurred in the TargetRelease:
  • NEW: New element in TargetRelease
  • MOVE: The class was moved in the hierarchy (CodedName changed), only on level 4
  • SPLIT: The class was split into several other classes and deprecated, only on level 4
  • JOIN: The class was joined into another class and deprecated, only on level 4
  • VERSION NUMBER: The element was changed without changing the concept (e.g. textual correction). Identifier (CHAR6) and CodedName (CHAR8) do not change.
  • CLOSED: The element from the SourceRelease was removed in the TargetRelease
2 IrdiCC Primary key of the class in the SourceRelease; International Registration Data Identifier of the class, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
3 VersionDate Publication date of version CHAR(10)
4 CodedName ECLASS class code CHAR(8)
5 Level Hierarchical level within class tree CHAR(1)
6 PreferredName Name of the Class CHAR(80)
7 ISOLanguageCode Language code according to ISO 639-1 / ISO 639-2, e.g. „en“ CHAR(2)
8 ISOCountryCode Country code according to ISO 3166-1 / ISO 3166-2, e.g. “US” CHAR(2)
9 Deprecated Specifies if the element is deprecated in the TargetRelease. Allowed values: {TRUE|FALSE}, true = element was deprecated and is no longer part of the TargetRelease BOOLEAN
10 SourceRelease e.g. ECLASS 9.1 CHAR(13)
11 TargetRelease e.g. ECLASS 10.0.1 CHAR(13)


ECLASS-RUF-KW-SY (Keyword/Synonym Table)

No Attribute name Description Length
1 Command Specifies the type of change that occurred in the TargetRelease:
  • NEW: New element in TargetRelease
  • VERSION NUMBER: The element was changed without changing the concept (e.g. textual correction). Identifier (CHAR6) and CodedName (CHAR8) do not change.
  • CLOSED: The element from the SourceRelease was removed in the TargetRelease
2 IrdiKWSY Primary key of the keyword/synonym in the SourceRelease; International Registration Data Identifier of the keyword, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
3 IrdiTarget Primary key of the target element (KW to CC, SY to PR); International Registration Data Identifier of the class/property, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
4 KeywordValue/SynonymValue Name of the keyword/synonym CHAR(80)
5 ISOLanguageCode Language code according to ISO 639-1 / ISO 639-2, e.g. „en“ CHAR(2)
6 ISOCountryCode Country code according to ISO 3166-1 / ISO 3166-2, e.g. “US” CHAR(2)
7 Deprecated Specifies if the element is deprecated in the TargetRelease. Allowed values: {TRUE|FALSE}, true = element was deprecated and is no longer part of the TargetRelease BOOLEAN
8 SourceRelease e.g. ECLASS 9.1 CHAR(13)
9 TargetRelease e.g. ECLASS 10.0.1 CHAR(13)

ECLASS-RUF-PR (Property Table)

No Attribute name Description Length
1 Command Specifies the type of change that occurred in the TargetRelease:
  • NEW: New element in TargetRelease
  • VERSION NUMBER: The element was changed without changing the concept (e.g. textual correction). Identifier (CHAR6) and coded name do not change.
  • CLOSED: The element from the SourceRelease was removed in the TargetRelease
  • REPLACE: The element was replaced by another identical element (a compatible replacement according to ISO Change Management)
  • SUBSTITUTE: The element was substituted by another similar element (an incompatible substitution according to ISO Change Management)
2 IrdiPR Primary key of the property in the SourceRelease; International Registration Data Identifier of the property, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
3 VersionDate Publication date of version CHAR(10)
4 PreferredName Name of the property CHAR(80)
6 ISOLanguageCode Language code according to ISO 639-1 / ISO 639-2, e.g. „en“ CHAR(2)
7 ISOCountryCode Country code according to ISO 3166-1 / ISO 3166-2, e.g. “US” CHAR(2)
8 Deprecated Specifies if the element is deprecated in the TargetRelease. Allowed values: {TRUE|FALSE}, true = element was deprecated and is no longer part of the TargetRelease BOOLEAN
9 SourceRelease e.g. ECLASS 9.1 CHAR(13)
10 TargetRelease e.g. ECLASS 10.0.1 CHAR(13)

Note on data types:

With Release 8.0, ECLASS has introduced many new data types that might not be interpretable by every system. In this case, ECLASS recommends to distinguish between at least BOOLEAN, REAL, INTEGER (including count, measure and currency) and STRING properties. ECLASS considers STRING as a suitable substitute for all other data types that are not interpretable by a system (STRING_TRANSLATABLE, URL, DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP etc.). Also the indication of digits before/after comma (REAL/INTEGER) and the number of characters (STRING) are no longer mandatory.

ECLASS-RUF-VA (Value Table)

No Attribute name Description Length
1 Command Specifies the type of change that occurred in the TargetRelease:
  • NEW: New element in TargetRelease
  • VERSION NUMBER: The element was changed without changing the concept (e.g. textual correction). Identifier (CHAR6) and CodedName (CHAR8) do not change.
  • CLOSED: The element from the SourceRelease was removed here in the TargetRelease
2 IrdiVA Primary key of the value in the SourceRelease; International Registration Data Identifier of the value, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
3 VersionDate Publication date of version CHAR(10)
4 Value The actual value CHAR(80)
6 ISOLanguageCode Language code according to ISO 639-1 / ISO 639-2, e.g. „en“ CHAR(2)
7 ISOCountryCode Country code according to ISO 3166-1 / ISO 3166-2, e.g. “US” CHAR(2)
8 Deprecated Specifies if the element is deprecated in the TargetRelease. Allowed values: {TRUE|FALSE}, true = element was deprecated and is no longer part of the TargetRelease BOOLEAN
9 SourceRelease e.g. ECLASS 9.1 CHAR(13)
10 TargetRelease e.g. ECLASS 10.0.1 CHAR(13)


No Attribute name Description Length
1 Command Specifies the type of change that occurred in the TargetRelease:
  • NEW: New element in TargetRelease
  • VERSION NUMBER: The element was changed without changing the concept (e.g. textual correction). Identifier (CHAR6) and CodedName (CHAR8) do not change.
  • CLOSED: The element of SourceRelease was removed
2 IrdiCC Primary key of the target class; International Registration Data Identifier of the class, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
3 IrdiPR Primary key of the assigned property; International Registration Data Identifier of the property, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
4 Deprecated Specifies if the element is deprecated in the TargetRelease. Allowed values: {TRUE|FALSE}, true = element was deprecated and is no longer part of the TargetRelease BOOLEAN
9 SourceRelease e.g. ECLASS 9.1 CHAR(13)
10 TargetRelease e.g. ECLASS 10.0.1 CHAR(13)


No Attribute name Description Length
1 Command Specifies the type of change that occurred in the TargetRelease:
  • NEW: New element in TargetRelease
  • VERSION NUMBER: The element was changed without changing the concept (e.g. textual correction). Identifier (CHAR6) and CodedName(CHAR8) do not change.
  • CLOSED: The element of SourceRelease was removed in the TargetRelease
2 IrdiPR Primary key of the target property; International Registration Data Identifier of the property, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
3 IrdiVA Primary key of the assigned value; International Registration Data Identifier of the value, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
4 Deprecated Specifies if the element is deprecated in the TargetRelease. Allowed values: {TRUE|FALSE}, true = element was deprecated and is no longer part of the TargetRelease BOOLEAN
9 SourceRelease e.g. ECLASS 9.1 CHAR(13)
10 TargetRelease e.g. ECLASS 10.0.1 CHAR(13)


Prior to Release 8.0, ECLASS interpreted its value lists as open, i.e. as suggestions that were never intended to be exhaustive. As the ISO defines value lists as restrictive and exclusive ECLASS had to change its structure to be ISO-compliant. Therefore ECLASS now distinguishes between value lists (ISO view) and proposal lists (proposed "open" lists that are not exhaustive). Because of this, most values that were noted until Release 6.2 are now marked as CLOSED as they are to be interpreted as restrictive. Correspondingly, all relations between properties and values in the context of a class listed in the value proposal file (eClass7_0_PR_VA_suggested_en_02.csv) are new, i.e. all relations listed in that file are interpreted as NEW and not published here again.

You can find detailed information about restricted and suggested value lists here.

ECLASS-RUF-UN (Unit Table)

No Attribute name Description Length
1 Command Specifies the type of change that occurred in the TargetRelease:
  • NEW: New element in TargetRelease
  • VERSION NUMBER: The element was changed without changing the concept (e.g. textual correction). Identifier (CHAR6) and CodedName (CHAR8) do not change.
  • CLOSED: The element from the SourceRelease was removed in the TargetRelease
2 IrdiUN Primary key of the ECLASS unit; International Registration Data Identifier of the unit, globally unique ECLASS Identifier (Supplier+TypeOfSE+Identifier+VersionNumber) CHAR(20)
3 StructuredNaming Structured Naming of the unit, e.g. “volt litre^-1 minute^-1” CHAR(1000)
4 ShortName Short name of the unit CHAR(1000)
5 NameOfDedicatedQuantity Name of the superordinate quantity according to DIN CHAR(1000)
6 Deprecated Specifies if the element is deprecated in the TargetRelease. Allowed values: {TRUE|FALSE}, true = element was deprecated and is no longer part of the TargetRelease BOOLEAN
9 SourceRelease e.g. ECLASS 9.1 CHAR(13)
10 TargetRelease e.g. ECLASS 10.0.1 CHAR(13)

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