5.2 Illustration of circuit diagram symbols

Illustration of circuit diagram symbols

This chapter describes how the product can be represented in a circuit diagram according to IEC. On the one hand, circuit diagram symbols can be derived from the functional view by some CAE systems, or they are created for the product and documented according to the rules listed in 3.6 Symbol Representations.

Preliminary mapping of functions that will be adapted in future versions.

Illustration of the IEC /ECLASS standard symbol

In many cases, the ECLASS class and the functional description of the product also result in the associated circuit diagram symbols, which are taken from the associated standards.

For this purpose, the ECLASS-CEG-CAx working group has created a collection of function symbols based on IEC standard 60617 and marked them with S-numbers of the standard as symbol ID. Common symbol combinations, as far as they are not included in the standard, are created in accordance with IEC 61082-1 and marked with an E-number as symbol ID.

Name of the list: ECLASS CAx_Funktionssymbole 17.02.2021.xlsx

In the CAx-aspect Connection and Functions the block Function Group describes the functions of the product. The ECLASS symbol ID can be entered in the Function identification block in the Function identification characteristic for mapping purposes. This builds a bridge to the existing technology of the symbolic mode of operation of some CAx systems. The extensive advantages of a cross-departmental classification system for goods management can thus also be used in the process chains of these systems.


Structure item Name

Application, meaning Function for CAx and process


Function identification

Block Function identification

Block for describing the function identification as described under 4.2 Function


Functional description

Textual note (long)

Specification as project planning support as described under 4.2 Function


Functional designation

eClass Symbol ID Function identification or if not possible textual note (short)

ID as reference to the symbol or as a mapping reference as described in 4.2 Function


Function name

Designation of the function

as described under 4.2 Function

These functions can then be directly assigned in the CAE software to the "standard" symbols used there for representation in the schematic.

For manual operation, a standard manual operation has been provided for most function symbols.

If more specific symbols are required from a representation point of view, they can be executed as an additional function based on IEC 60617 or symbol representation according to point 3.6 Symbol Representations.


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