Property (Create Change Request)

The following changes are possible for a property:

  1. Browse
  2. Change text
  3. Create Property
  4. Delete Property
  5. Reactivate
  6. Replace Property
  7. Clone
  8. Assign Synonym
  9. Withdraw Synonym
  10. Assign Value List
  11. Withdraw Value List
  12. Reactivate Deprecated Value List
  13. Assign Condition
  14. The change requests for the relation of properties to classes (Assign property to classification class, Withdraw property from classification class) are to be found in the change request chapter of classification classes


The user can browse through all existing properties (including all change requests for new properties).


Figure 1: Browse Property Dialog

The different change request types are described below.

Change text

The textual information of a property is edited without changing the concept, but rather to correct mistakes. If the concept of the property is changed, a new property has to be created instead. This new property could then substitute or replace the formerly existing property (see below).

  • NOTE: Change Textual Information is possible in any release.
  • NOTE: Textual changes include changes of the class type and of the number of digits (INTEGER, REAL), as well as the number of characters (STRING). Apart from that, no other changes are possible for a property. The following changes are not possible and would have to be a new property that replaces/substitutes the original property
    • Changes of the name or definition that would change the concept
    • Change of the data type
    • Change of the quantity/unit
    • Add a value list to a PR with data type STRING(translatable), as this is a change of the data type to STRING which is not possible

In order to create a CR for changing the textual information of a PR proceed as follows:

  1. Select menu entry Change Textual Information under User/Change Request/Property.

    Figure 2: Menu entry used to call function “Change Textual Information” of PR
  2. Search and select PR for which textual information will be changed in displayed search menu and press button “Select”.
  3. Perform desired changes in Change Textual Info-Dialog dialog and press button Save.

Result: CR for changing the textual information of CC will be saved and may be retrieved for further editing/submittal under menu entry My Change Request.

Create Property

A new property is created. In order to create a change request (CR) for a new property (PR) proceed as follows:

  1. Select menu entry Create Property under User/Change Request/Property:

    Figure 3: Menu entry used to call function „Create Property“

  2. Browse and search through existing properties to check whether a property already exists, and in case no property is found - press button “Create Property”:
  3. Fill in information of new PR in fields of Create Property-Dialog and press Save:

    Figure 4: Create Property Dialog
  4. Fill all mandatory PR fields and - depending on choice of data type - more relevant fields such as quantity and unit.
  • EXAMPLE: Create PR in order to measure a distance in centimetres (cm) without digits after the comma:
    • Create Property
    • Select data type INTEGER(measure) from drop down menu
    • In new menu "Quantity" select the quantity distance and press select button
    • In new menu "Unit" select the unit cm and press select button

Figure 5: Menu entry „Create PR - Select Quantity“

Figure 6: Menu entry „Create PR - Select Unit“

Result: CR for new PR will be saved and may be retrieved for further editing/submittal under menu entry My Change Request.

Delete Property

A property can be removed from the ECLASS dictionary and all assignments to classes will be deleted automatically.

  • NOTE: REMOVE PR is only allowed in a MajorRelease as it is a structural change.

In order to create a CR for removing a PR proceed as follows:

  1. Select menu entry Remove Property under User/Change Request/Property.

    Figure 7: Menu entry used to call function “Remove Property”
  2. Search and select PR to be removed in search menu and press button “Select”.
  3. Enter reason for removal in Remove PR dialog and press button Save.


Replace Property

The System provides the possibility to select the scope of the property replacement. Therefore users have the possibility to replace a targeted Property selected in the context of a Class (local) or to replace the property in all its usages (global, dictionary wise).

For this, a dialog containing selection options [Local Replacement] and [Global replacement] has been implemented.

[Global replacement] serves to indicate that the replacement of the Property is accomplished in all classes.

When [Local Replacement] is selected, the system displays the list of Classes where selected Property is used. The user selects the class where the replacement is applied.

The dialog also contains distinctive selection options [With successor] and [Without successor]. In case of replacement with successor, user needs to choose type consistency: '''hard''', '''weak''' or '''no consistency'''.

When a Property is replaced, the system creates structure update information (i.e. predecessor and successor relationship, with / without data type change).

Examples of Hard consistency:

A. PRs of the same data type, with the same unit of measure and without domain

P1: length of table/Real (measure)/mm

P2: table length/Real (measure)/mm

B. PRs of the same data type, with domain

1) shared coded domains

P1 – {a, b, c}, where SCV of a = AAA123, of b=AAA124 and of c=AAA125

P2 – {a, b, c}, where SCV of a = AAA123, of b=AAA124 and of c=AAA125

2) not shared explicit domains

P1 – {23.4, 23.5, 100.92}

P2 – {23.4, 23.5, 100.92}

3) Tricky: coded domain having domains values with same code

P1 – {‘A’=blue, ‘B’=grey}

P1 – {‘A’=red, ‘B’=green}

Examples of Weak Type Consistency:

P1 – Temperature/Real (measure)/°C

P2 – Temperature/Real (measure)/F

Examples of No Type Consistency

P1- String, 3 1/8 Zoll

P2 – Rational. Whole part: 3 Numerator: 1 Denominator 8

User has to enter rule for conversion of rational to string

P1 – String, 40hex

P2 – Integer, dec

hex need to be converted to decimal (40 hex = 64)

Open issue 2: is the second example no consistency or weak consistency?

P1 – String, 100mm

P2 – Integer

User has to enter rule for conversion of value, e.g. take only numbers and set text as unit

Based on all above-entered information, a detailed process allwing a PR to be be replaced by another PR is presented below. This is a change request to reduce duplicates. The precondition is that both properties have the same data type.

  • NOTE: REPLACE PR is a structural change and therefore only allowed in a MajorRelease.
  • NOTE: REPLACE PR can be done with an existing PR or a new PR that shall replace another existing PR. The replaced PR will be automatically removed.

In order to replace a PR proceed as follows:

  1. Select menu entry Replace Property under User/Change Request/Property.

    Figure 8: Menu entry used to call function “Replace Property”
  2. Search and select the PR to be replaced in search menu and click on the PR
  3. Search and select in the next dialog the PR that shall replace the PR to be replaced

    Figure 9: Select Replacing Property
  4. In the Replace PR dialog, enter reason for replacing the PR and press button “Save”

Result: CR for Replace Property will be saved and may be retrieved for submittal under menu entry My Change Request.


In order to create a new property that is similar to an existing one a PR can be cloned. This helps create a PR faster. In order to create a change request (CR) for a new cloned property (PR) proceed as follows:

  1. Select menu entry Clone Property under User/Change Request/Property:

    Figure 10: Menu entry used to call function „Clone Property“
  2. Browse and search through existing properties to choose which property shall be cloned, i.e. shall serve as the basis for the new PR - press button “Select Property”:

    Figure 11: Select property for cloning
  3. Change the displayed information of the existing PR in fields of Clone Property-Dialog in order to create the clone and press Save:

    Figure 12: Fill in all information needed
  4. Fill all mandatory PR fields and - depending on choice of data type - more relevant fields such as quantity and unit, see Create Property

Assign Synonym

One or many synonym(s) is/are assigned to a property (new or existing). In order to create a change request (CR) to assign a synonym (SY) to a property (PR) proceed as follows:

  1. Select menu entry Assign Synonym under User/Change Request/Property:

    Figure 13: Menu entry used to call function „Assign Synonym“
  2. Select Property by using three different ways:
    1. Browse through the hierarchy of the classification tree to find properties used in the BASIC version, click on the PR and click on the select button:

      Figure 14: Assign Synonym - Select Property in Basic Search Dialog
    2. Browse through the hierarchy of the ADVANCED structure (application class, block, aspect) to find properties used in the ADVANCED version, click on the PR and click on the select button:

      Figure 15: Assign Synonym - Select Property in Advanced Search Dialog
    3. Search in the search field for properties used in any version by typing in the PreferredName or ID, click on the PR and click on the select button:

      Figure 16: Assign Synonym - Select Property in Search Dialog
  3. Browse and search through existing and new synonyms (as CR) to select the synonym(s) that shall be assigned to the property. If only one synonym is chosen, simply click on the Select-Button. If many synonyms are chosen mark them first and click on the Add to Collection-Button:

    Figure 17: Assign Synonym - Select Synonym Dialog
  4. If a selection has been created, additionally go to the collection of assignments dialog at the end and click on the Select Button:

    Figure 18: Assign Synonym - Select Synonym Collection Dialog
  5. Fill in a reason for the CR and press Save

Result: CR(s) for Assign Synonym will be saved and may be retrieved for further editing/submittal under menu entry My Change Request.

Withdraw Synonym

An existing synonym is withdrawn from an existing property. In order to create a change request (CR) to withdraw a synonym (SY) from a property (PR) proceed as follows:

  1. Select menu entry Withdraw Synonym under User/Change Request/Property:

    Figure 19: Menu entry used to call function „Withdraw Synonym“
  2. Select Property by using three different ways (as described above in section Assign Synonym):
    1. Browse through the hierarchy of the classification tree to find properties used in the BASIC version, click on the PR and click on the select button:

      Figure 20: Withdraw Synonym - Select Property in Basic Search Dialog
    2. Browse through the hierarchy of the ADVANCED structure (application class, block, aspect) to find properties used in the ADVANCED version, click on the PR and click on the select button:

      Figure 21: Withdraw Synonym - Select Property in Advanced Search Dialog
    3. Search in the search field for properties used in any version by typing in the PreferredName or ID, click on the PR and click on the select button:

      Figure 22: Withdraw Synonym - Select Property in Search Dialog
  3. The synonyms assigned to the property are displayed. Chose and mark the synonym(s) that shall be withdrawn and either click the select button (if one SY is chosen) or add them to the collection and then click the select button in the collection of assignments section. Then fill in a reason for the CR and press Save:

    Figure 23: Withdraw Synonym - Save Dialog

Result: CR(s) for Withdraw Synonym will be saved and may be retrieved for further editing/submittal under menu entry My Change Request.

Assign Value List

A value list is assigned to a property (new or existing). In order to create a change request (CR) to assign a value list (VL) to a property (PR) proceed as follows:

  1. Select menu entry Assign Value List under User/Change Request/Property:

    Figure 24: Menu entry used to call function „Assign Value List“
  2. Browse and search through existing and new properties (as CR) to select the property where a value list shall be assigned to and click on the PR-ID:

    Figure 25: Assign Value List - Select Property Dialog
  3. Browse and search through existing and new value lists (as CR) to select the value lists that shall be assigned to the property and click on the Select-Button:

    Figure 26: Assign Value List - Select Value List Dialog
  4. Fill in a reason for the CR and press Save

Result: CR for Assign Value List will be saved and may be retrieved for further editing/submittal under menu entry My Change Request.

Withdraw Value List

An existing value list is withdrawn from an existing property. In order to create a change request (CR) to withdraw a value list (VL) from a property (PR) proceed as follows:

  1. Select menu entry Withdraw Value List under User/Change Request/Property:

    Figure 27: Menu entry used to call function „Withdraw Value List“
  2. Browse and search through existing properties to select the property where the value list shall be withdrawn from and click on the PR-ID:

    Figure 28: Withdraw Value List - Select Property Dialog
  3. The Value List is automatically chosen as only one Value List can be assigned to a PR. Fill in a reason for the CR and press Save:

    Figure 29: Withdraw Value List - Save Dialog

Result: CR for Withdraw Value List will be saved and may be retrieved for further editing/submittal under menu entry My Change Request.

Reactivate Deprecated Value List

A value list is withdrawn from an property and needs to be reactivated.In order to create a change request (CR) to reactivate an existing value list (VL) from a property (PR) proceed as follows:

  1. Select menu entry Reactivate deprecated value list under User/Change Request/Property:

    Figure 30: Reactivate deprecated value list order
  2. Select the property for which the reactivation is planned (by clicking on the corresponding IRDI).

    Figure 31: Reactivate Value List - Select property
  3. Check your request and enter a reason for this reactivation.

Assign Condition


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